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PNF Stretching

Sports Therapy Hub

What is PNF stretching?

‘Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation’ or ‘PNF’, is an advanced form of flexibility stretching, which aims to increase the length and the range of motion of a muscle.

PNF stretching involves both stretching and contraction of the muscle group, and is usually performed post exercise, during a cool down. Performing PNF before exercise can provide Injury risks and reduces long term benefits as muscles are not warmed up so therefore, are not as flexible.

How to perform a PNF stretch using a partner:

  • Individual and partner place the area to be stretched in position, so that the muscle can be stretched

  • Partner then applies force to the muscle until a stretch is felt, placing the muscle under tension

  • Individual then contracts the stretched muscle for 6 – 10 seconds, applying about 30% force against a partner, while partner applies sufficient resistance to inhibit the movement

  • The contracted muscle is then relaxed, and partner applies more force to the muscle, until a further stretch is felt, providing a controlled movement

  • Individual is then allowed 15 – 30 seconds to recover and the process is repeated around 3 times

  • Each time the process is repeated, the individual should be able to extend further with the stretch

  • PNF is a slow controlled stretch, and should be performed safely and correctly

Benefits of PNF stretching:

PNF stretching has multiple benefits which can help with exercise performance and injury prevention. Ask a qualified fitness professional to perform PNF with you first to ensure technique is done correctly.

  • Improved strength

  • Improved speed

  • Improved flexibility

  • Improved range of motion

  • Improved joint stability

  • Improved exercise performance

  • Reduced DOMs (delayed onset muscle soreness)

  • Reduced injury risk

A few other types of stretching are:

  • Static stretching

  • Passive or Assisted stretching

  • Active stretching

  • Isometric stretching

  • Dynamic stretching


Our therapists provide injury treatment, advice, prevention, and rehabilitation exercises through sports massage, deep tissue massage, exercise programming and physiotherapy.

We provide educational content for informational purposes only. Aways seek a medical professionals care and advice regarding injuries.


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Sports Therapy Hub (NW) LTD
Liverpool Aquatic CentreWavertree, L15 4LE
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